What is a cell?

What is a cell? Structure How is? What are the types?

 Cell , the smallest structural and functional unit of an organism. Mostly in the cytoplasm and nucleus occurs in a membrane and can be seen only with the aid of a microscope.

Molecules, atoms, molecules, macromolecules, macromolecules, macromolecular complexes oluşturmasıyla, the smallest building blocks of tissues and is composed of cells exhibiting all the characteristics of life. In general, all cells are basically the same structure. However, their functions, depending on the tissue and therefore show some specializations. Every plant and animal organisms, consists of these basic building blocks. There are approximately 1014 pieces of human body cells.
All cells, "cell membrane" is surrounded by a structure called. In the cells' cytoplasm "and in it spread a liquid called" organelles "is located in the so-called structures.

Cell formats

The cells may have a wide variety of formats. A large majority of the egg-shaped or spherical, such as red blood cells. In addition, cells in the stomach or the peels of fruits such as cylinder-shaped cells, muscle cells, such as the long, branched, such as nerve cells, skin cells, such as leaves and flowers in flat-shaped cells, square cells vardır.Son studies that have been identified.
Typically a few microns in size can reach the cell size (one micron equals one thousandth of a millimeter.)

Cell Types

Prokaryotic cells [

Bacteria and blue-green algae cell types included in this group. There is surrounded by nuclear envelope of these cores. There is no membrane organelles such as mitochondria in the cytoplasm. Inheritance of the DNA material are scattered in the cytoplasm. There are ribosomes. Sittoplazmada vital activities of these cells and the cell membrane occurs.
Eukaryotic cells

Eukaryotes (Lat. Eukaryota), "organelle membrane" containing organisms, thus covering the core material of living organisms, the cell is the realm of the real core. Karyo Latin word "core" gives the meaning of the prefix in-eu "real" means.
Genetic material found in the nucleus surrounded by a membrane within the cell specific. Chromosomes are composed of DNA and protein, meiosis break. Eukaryotes, complex organelles in the cytoplasm of their doors. Eukaryotic cells, prokaryotes in many developed according to the animals, plants, fungi and protists include realms.

Cell membrane

"Cytoplasmic cell membrane," also called. Separates the cell from the external environment, selectively permeable structure alive. Unit membrane surrounding the cell, on average, 75 Angstrom (75x10-7 mm) thick. Inside and outside with a layer of a membrane protein, the unit in the middle of a floor made of lipid. Electron microscope studies of membranes made of lipoproteins as a mosaic-shaped functional units shows that the more appropriate examination. Cell membrane giving the cell shape, but also sets the output to input of nutrients to the cell and no longer matter. Dice is also the protector of the cell.
The first scientific models have been proposed by Danielli and Dawson. This model was adopted for a long time, but this model could not account the functioning of the cell membrane. Nicolson'ın fluid-mosaic membrane model of Singer and in 1972 showed. According to this model, the structure of the membrane protein, 65%, 33% lipid, 2% were carbohydrate.
The cell membrane, porous and semi-permeable structure. The main building blocks of lipids and proteins. Each cell's protein, fat and carbohydrate ratios to be different for each cell membrane, the cell-specific. All the chemicals and electrical messages to the cell membrane with the membrane structure alınır.Hücre protein, fat and carbohydrates are. Tasks in the cell membrane;

    * Encompassing the cell cytoplasm and prevents falling shapes.
    * Article regulates the exchange.
    * Are involved in the regulation of osmotic balance.
    * Has the task of honeydew.
    * Enzymes are the carrier task.
    * Makes the transmission of warning.
    * Allows the cells to recognize each other
    * In addition, flexible and soft


Cell membrane and nuclear membrane covering the remaining portion of the cell, homogeneous nature, colloidal, and in case of change of a continuous eriyiktir. The cytoplasm of inorganic substances (metal salts of various ions, acids and bases), organic matter, protein, fat, carbohydrates, nucleic acids, hormones) and consists of water ranging from 60-95%. Cytoplasm in the various living structures (organelles) and non-living structures (inclusion bodies) is located. Live cell to "protoplasm" is called. Protoplasm, the structure consists of the cytoplasm and the nucleus.
Consist of large quantities of water, although it is neither liquid nor solid feature that shows the colloidal structure. The cytoplasm contains dissolved and dispersed particles. This is the amount of soluble particles will vary depending on the type of cells. Organelles found in general are as follows:

    * endoplasmic reticulum
    * mitochondria
    * lysosome
    * ribosome
    * Golgi apparatus
    * plastids
    * pronoplast
    * koful


Nucleus cell nucleus, ie, granular and fibrous structure. Manages the cell. Nuclear envelope, nükleoplazma, chromosome and is composed of çekirdekçikten. Nuclear membrane in two layers and has a very porous structure. Contains proteins and salts, especially in the core is the essence of Nükleoplazma. The life and work continue to regulate the function of the cell. If the core die, the cell dies. Many small organelles inside the cell the main substance of the core also allows you to run as compatible with each other. The kernel has a role in cell division.


Organelles in the cell for what he is to the body organs. Organelles word has entered our language. "-Hand" suffix is a suffix in Turkish reduction "-Pussy" due to patch. Organcık full karşılığıyla in Turkish (small body)

Particular type of organelle is found in many complex eukaryotic cells. After the discovery of the microscope began to observe and define organelles. According to some claims hücrebilimcilerin köklendiği bacteria is suggested that many large organelle endosymbiosis.


2-3 microns long and 0.5 micron in diameter can easily be seen under electron microscopy and elliptical parts. In the form of sausage or clubbing. Membrane structure of mitochondria is 2. in the cell energy generating units . Cell respiration citric acid cycle (Krebs cycle) takes place here. Organic molecules form chemical bonds of ATP is converted kopmasıyla Energy released here.


Round, membrane-surrounded, in the solvent (hydrolytic) enzymes containing the organelles. The structures of the cell serving as a digestive . More than intracellular structures and eliminate harmful.

Golgi apparatus

Golgi apparatus or complex, zarımsı tubes and sacs come together occurs. Usually close to the kernel. In particular, the active secretory gland cells stand out. [[ The main task of the cell secretion ]] proteins are believed to be storing. Makes the task of packing and secretion. Gland cells is more than numbers. For example, sweat glands, sweat, like these examples. Large studies have found that the Golgi apparatus. Escaping the shape of the ATP energy is converted here. Energy produces oxygen makes breathing. Used to produce energy.

Endoplasmic reticulum

Endoplasmic reticulum, cytoplasm, nutrient circulation , providing oil and hormone synthesis, cell membrane and nuclear envelope took place between the channels in a well mixed system. On the ribosome bulunmayanlarına "taneciksiz (granülsüz) endoplasmic reticulum is called" that this is the construction of steroid hormone steroid-secreting cells, other cells, is scene of the incident zehirsizleştirme.


Only found in plant cells. Plastids, chloroplasts, and Lökoplastlar Kromoplastlar divided into three as:

    * Chloroplast s, bright orange, yellow or red color, carries fat-soluble pigments plastitlerdir.Kromoplastlar flowers, mature fruits, vegetables and roots of higher plants built bulunur.Söz example, carrot carotene, xanthophylls lemon, tomato lycopene pigments (colorants) oluşur.Kromoplastlar , with changes in chloroplasts oluşur.Sonbaharda yellowing of the leaves, chlorophyll pigment comes from the structure itself and the conversion chloroplasts kromoplasta

    * Chromoplast s, color plastitlerdir. Orange ones, " carotene ", yellow for those" xanthophylls ", yellowish-red also" lycopene "is called. Fruit and vegetables such as carrots and tomatoes give unique colors.

    * Lökoplast s, colorless. Not see the light parts of plants (roots, tubers, etc.). Found. Store starch. As a result of photosynthesis, glucose, transmission through the system where the warehouse is lökoplastlara. Combined with glucose molecules of starch molecules occurs here. During the synthesis of starch, water is released. "N" number of glucose molecules during the merger (n-1) number of H2O (water) molecule is released. Shape and size of starch granules varies with the type of plant.


Ribosomes, endoplasmic reticulum and cytoplasm kanalcıkları scattered along the protein synthesis begins structures. About 150 angstrom in diameter. 65% of the Structure of the RNA (ribonucleic acid) and 35% protein. Proteins are synthesized in the endoplasmic reticulum with the help of the ribosome in the region or outside the cell are transmitted through the cell. In short, the task of protein synthesis.
Plant cell, the cell wall structure in cells of all plant green renkteHücre wall. Located in the outer side of the cell membrane and the cellulose structure. Ni resistance against external and internal effects of plant cell to display the (turgor pressure in the event of plant cells, wind, etc.). Become the last of the cell turgor şişip prevents the explosion. Plant Cell will ensure that a particular shape. Cell wall contains pores to allow the passage of the substance. This structure does not show pores selectively permeable.
Although the cell wall of fungi are multicellular yapmamalarına Photosynthesis.

Vacuole (koful)

Kofullar, a sap filled with their own structures inside the plant cells, animal cells are more. Young cells, small, old cells and greater than the individual. Deplazmoliz Kofullar Plasmolysis and events play a role. One-celled animals, and more water and nutrients sindirildiği kofulları food thrown into the discharge of harmful substances have an important role in protecting the viability of the cell vacuoles.