Living things, the smallest structural units called cells, formed a combination of very complex functions to fulfill. The cell is small enough to be seen with naked eye and the surrounding area is surrounded by a semi-permeable membrane. Vital that the shape of a cell that contains the items necessary sitoplâsma, semi-liquid substance. Clustering of cells, tissues with the same task from different tissues to see the merger as a function of specific organs occurs. Structural characteristics of the organs because of a combination of different functional integrity of a specific showing that systems are shaped.

Broad sense, the normal anatomy of the body shape, structure, body organs and the organs forming the structural, görevsel is the branch of science that studies the relationships. Figure science as a formal examination of these animals indicates that the concept of the morphology. According to an opinion of anatomy is considered as identical with the term morphology. However, today, the functional properties of formations not only the importance of formal, detailed studies of the intracellular elements, even at the molecular level has expanded the boundaries of the science of anatomy examination. Anatomy of stereotyped education rules, not taking into account the functional links to a selection method based on rote learning and the information obtained in a short time, resulting in a forgotten cause. Any structure, functions, and other structures with links to learn more easily understand the anatomy as a whole creates the possibility. Therefore, many diseases or injuries of structures of the functional connections to the details of learning, understanding of modern medicine is more appropriate.

As with humans, other living organisms to investigate the structural features of the anatomy is. Basic medical sciences of anatomy as it is accepted as the basis for other studies were derived.

In the history of the human body from the recognition and the related know-how needed because of intense interest in anatomy is divided into sub-groups.

1. Macroscopic Anatomy (Gross Anatomy): examining the human structure visible as it is a branch of anatomy. Basic educational tool used for this purpose, long-time retention characteristics of tissue provided ilaçlanarak dead human body (cadaver). Models, written materials (books, atlases, posters, etc.), video images and computer programs are used widely in education. Computer training, alongside some of the most common method used in educational institutions has become a cadaver. Three-dimensional images to obtain a significant advantage.

2. Microscopic Anatomy (Histologia) forming the body organs were taken by special staining techniques to examine tissue samples under a microscope is the branch of science. Histology as the ancient Greek word histos (= tissue) and logos (= science) and the tissue consisted of the word science means. A microscope magnifies the invisible assets can be seen in varying proportions that provide the most important educational tool.

3. Cytology: the cell is accepted as a part of the science of histology. Is based on detailed examination of the cell, forming structures.

4. Developmental Anatomy (Developmental Anatomy): The human body begins to take shape and the normal structural changes in the phases of the first moment until the death of his review. Can be divided into various sub-headings:

Prenatal Period Anatomy (Embryologia): A female and male sex is shaped by hücrelerininbirleşmesi review is based on the period from zygote formation until birth. The anatomy of the embryo and fetus in the period of this period is possible to separate the two. Technological advances, some of the anatomy of the fetus is able to provide treatment for diseases before birth saptanabilmesini and are becoming increasingly important.

Anatomy of Childhood (Child Anatomy): development lasts from birth until after puberty, the period of review.

Adult Period Anatomy (Anatomy Adult): Adult examines the structure of the human body. Classic adult human body is based on the information provided in textbooks.

Anatomy of Aging Period (Geriatric Anatomy): examines the structural changes in the normal elderly humans.

5. Pathological Anatomy: The macroscopic or microscopic non-examines the structure of the normal human tissue.

Sub-groups according to the methods of learning anatomy:
The main purpose of anatomy teaching students the information they need him the most effective way to achieve this efficiently and evaluation. In order to achieve the purpose of information to be used in different ways, given different teaching methods. This sub-branches are divided into a number of methods, according to the anatomy.

Systematic Anatomy (Anatomia Systematica): communities of organ systems, taking the organism, the base amount for review. This teaching model in a system of organs and tissue groups öğretililir in a specific order.

Regional Anatomy (Anatomia Anatomia Topographica-Regionalis): The body divided into zones around the outside to the inside of tissues and organs examined.

Comparative Anatomy (Anatomia Comparativa): compare the organs of various animals, and animals, between people doing similar reviews.

Surgical Anatomy (Anatomia Chirurgica): Surgical applications of the organism, taking into account the topographical anatomy as a branch of viewing.

Clinical Anatomy (Anatomia Clinica): systematic, topographic anatomy and surgery, including information on clinical application of a live human who is the branch of anatomy.

Surface (Surface) anatomy: Live on the bodies by hand, eye, or radiological, endoscopic viewing as a dip.

Cross-sectional Anatomy (Radiological Anatomy): Today, the development of emerging technologies and an increasingly important form of topographic anatomy. New methods for the diagnosis of various diseases, computed tomography (CT), nuclear magnetic resonance imaging (NMRI), positron emission tomography (PET) and scintigraphy, a few millimeters of the body from different angles and images obtained from the examination of thin slices with the aimed separation.

Aesthetic (Plastic-Artistic) Anatomy of body shape changes that occur in different situations and examines the reasons for dip; more painters and sculptors will be interested too.

Anatomy of Sport: Sports training institutions, especially the movement system based on examination of the structures constituting a dip.

Studies on the dead body or dead tissue anatomy (necro anatomy); who live in studies related to human anatomy (living anatomy) collected their titles.